Talk Less, Listen More

We’ve all heard it, but few of us actually practice this. 

Have you ever considered, the more your customer talks to you, the more comfortable they feel with you. But it’s not always about making them feel comfortable - as a salesperson it’s actually learning about what they need or how to solve their problem. 

A successful salesperson will listen intently to glean as much information from their customer as they can. The key is to continue to ask open ended questions like; what brings you here today? Why do you need this product or service? Where is it going? When do you require it? Why have you got this particular product in mind? By asking these types of questions will help you as a salesperson find better solutions to their immediate problems. 

Remember, being a great salesperson is about keeping your honesty and integrity. You’ll find that your customers will appreciate this. 

Simply drop me a message if you’re intrigued to know more in how to activate a more effective sales team for your business in 2024.


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